Meal Planning Monday

By A Wee Bit of Cake - January 11, 2016

We survived the first week back at work woop! Although today is proving rather difficult as I didn’t sleep well at all last night. After a hectic weekend (I need to learn to slow down) I couldn’t get to sleep til after 11pm then woke at 3:30am and it was gone 5am by the time I drifted off again. When the alarm went off at 6:15am I could have cried! But, I’ve only another 4 Monday mornings to get through before mat leave kicks in – I can do this!

Last week we pretty much stayed on plan apart from forgetting to take the chicken out of the freezer for Salt & Pepper Chicken and then forgetting to get Paneer but we were able to cobble some other things together instead. We did end up with a cheeky Chinese last night after NCT; we were supposed to have pulled pork with veggie rice but we went to the pub with everyone after and by that stage neither of us could be bothered to cook. Tonight we have a hospital class to go to and need to be out the door by 615pm so the pulled pork will just be warmed up and the veg fried up quickly with some rice – a quick and easy speedy supper!

So this week…
Monday – Pulled Pork and Veggie Rice
Tuesday – I’m off to Pizza Express with a friend so Mr T is sorting himself out (some chicken from the freezer I think…)
Wednesday – Paneer Curry
Thursday – Spag Bol /Courgetti for Mr T
Friday – Salt and Pepper Chicken

Once again I haven’t planned the weekend but learning from yesterday I think next Sunday’s meal will be something we can chuck in the microwave as it is another long day of NCT.

Oh and thank-you all who commented on last week’s post. I have replied to you all but I’m useless at commenting on other blogs – I do read them I just never have time to leave a message. I really need to rectify that!

As always I’m linking up over at Mrs M’s – have a great week!

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  1. All looks delicious - love salt & pepper chicken think I'll add that to mine next week!

    1. We were meant to have it last week so really need to have it this week x

  2. Like the sound of Paneer curry !

    1. It's delicious! I've shared the recipe on here if you want to try it...

    2. OOOhh thank you - will have a look.

  3. I don't plan for the weekend either. I used to but found that come the weekend it would change. Everything sounds lovely, especially the pulled pork, I haven't made it in such a long time. Hope you have a good week x #mealplanningmonday

    1. Yup you're right, something always happens that means meal planning goes out the window. Have a great week too x

  4. All sounds delicious! Especially Pizza Express ;) enjoy xx

  5. Glad to hear you're doing NCT classes - hope your local branch runs other groups so you can meet more parents!

    1. Thanks lovely :) we really enjoyed them so it's nice to make some mummy and daddy friends that are local too. Have a great week x
