BEDN - Something You Made

By A Wee Bit of Cake - November 02, 2013

Something You Made... it's an interesting topic for today's post. I did wonder about what I could use that wasn't cake related but cakes and baking are my passion and anything I've crafted is either back at my parents house or not worth sharing on here.

I started thinking about the cakes I have made and which ones I am most proud of and then I thought about my celebration cakes. Each one has pushed me and tested me in my skills and I am pleased with each and every one of them. No two have ever been the same and I love seeing the recipient's reaction when I have brought their cake idea to life.

Even though working with sugarcraft can cause no end of headaches it is also very therapeutic. It's amazing to see what you can achieve when you put your mind to it. My first few novelty cakes looked horrendous but after spending lots of time watching youtube videos and reading online tutorials I found myself learning so much.

One day I will master crochet and will hopefully be able to share it on here but for now here are some pics of the celebration cakes that I have made and am most proud of.

What have you made that you are most proud of?

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