Our Wedding Day

By A Wee Bit of Cake - December 04, 2015

I can’t believe it’s been 4 months since our wedding day and I know it’s an old cliché but time really has flown! It’s been so grey, grim and miserable this week and along with having a cold and sore throat I thought I would cheer myself up by sharing some photos of our amazing day on here.

I’m such a control freak but the wedding day was the one time in my life when I was calm, relaxed and just went with the flow. We had spent so much time and money on it that I wanted to remember it, not be a stressed out wound up mess. Everyone commented that I was so calm but for me there was no other way to be. I got to marry my best friend, all those I loved were there to share in our special day with us and from start to finish I could not stop smiling.

One rule we both had with the wedding was that being family didn’t automatically guarantee you an invite. My family are huge and Mr T’s is tiny but I barely see a lot of Dad’s side and I would probably walk past most of them in the street without realising who they are. We were also adamant that only people we knew or had been part of our life would come to the wedding. This caused a few arguments but we stood our ground. It was our day and we only wanted people there who we cared about and were a part of our lives.

Most brides are so stressed but I truly could not have been more relaxed. I was ready for it, I was done with planning and waiting and just wanted to be married. If anything Mr T was more wound up than me but I do wonder if being in early pregnancy helped as I had to think of bubs and not wear myself out. Also baking helped. It's my way to de-stress so having a cake table that I baked all myself really helped channel those nerves into something positive.

I loved how much family were involved in our special day. Mr T’s nephews were the ring bearers, my big brother and his girlfriend performed at the ceremony (and he was best man too!), Mr T’s oldest brother was a witness, my friend and my aunt did readings, our dearest friends did all the flower arranging, decorated the room and made mine and the bridesmaid’s bouquets. My cousin also surprised us with some Irish dancers at the evening reception which was a wonderful touch. It really was so special to see everyone so involved to help make our wedding so magical.

I could go on and on about our day but I’ll let our photos do the talking. Thanks to Graham Crichton Photography for our wonderful photos. He captured the day perfectly (apart from missing a photo of my cake table boo!). 

***WARNING*** photo heavy!!!

Sorry for all the photos but it was so hard to narrow them all down. Can we do this day again please??

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  1. It was a really wonderful day, lets do it again definitely :)

  2. It was a really wonderful day, lets do it again definitely :)
