I'm a tad late in posting this but I've a very good reason - we had the pleasure of a vomiting bug working its way through the house over the past few days.
Thursday night saw Ethan in our bed. He had had a nappy leak that morning and his bedding wasn't quite dry so we let him sleep in our bed. We woke at 5am to him vomiting and this happened a few more times that morning including all over the rug in the lounge. We noticed the signs though as he would come over to me saying "Mama, cug" (his word for cug) and next thing he would be throwing up.
He was completely back to normal by Saturday and as Tom and I felt fine we thought we had escaped it but after tea on Sunday night we both felt unwell and I had awful stomach ache. I woke to diarrhea and vomiting early hours of Monday and then Tom started with it in the early hours of Tuesday.
Not great for the Easter weekend but we still had fun and thankfully we are all recovered now.
Anyway.... March! I swear this month just whizzed by in a blink. The little man turned 2, we've been preparing for no2's arrival and have had lots of time with extended family friends. Life just needs to slow down a wee bit!
This month:
We had a few snow days which resulting in some snuggly days at home and a pub lunch
I had my final work trip away down to Birmigham
Ethan turned 2!!!
There was lots of birthday celebrating including a trip to soft play and the inlaws coming over for a spot of birthday cake
My parents came to visit
We took a trip to the National Railway Museum
We celebrated Mother's Day with a coffee date in Costa and Tom made us fresh pizza
Tom bought a fish tank
I went shopping with my bestie for all of my hospital bag bits and enjoyed a child free lunch
I did lots of baking including these Easter Brownies (a great way to use up that leftover chocolate)
Tom marked endless exam papers
Ethan started his settling in sessions at the new room at nursery
We enjoyed an impromptu midweek curry
It's been a busy old month and I can't quite believe it's now April. All we need is for the weather to pick up a bit and to see some glimpses of Spring. I don't know about you but I'm fed up of the cold now.
As always I'll be linking up over at Dear Beautiful's blog. Do stop by and check out all of the other lovely family photos.
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