Meal Planning Monday

By A Wee Bit of Cake - March 16, 2015

Another week over and another Meal Plan to do.

How did your week go? We pretty much stayed on plan and I made some good food choices most of the time. I didn’t go to Slimming World for weigh-in on Thursday as I was bloated and cramping (stupid lady pains!) and I knew I wouldn’t have a fair reading on the scales. I still weighed myself on my scales each morning and it looks like I’m on target for a loss this week.

Saturday evening was a bit naughty with food especially the nachos and crème brulee and yesterday we were at Mr T’s brother’s for lunch and more dessert. I feel good though, I’m making sensible choices and not letting every day be a cake and chocolate day. Amazingly I’m not craving chocolate, sweets or takeaway as much as I did and when I do have them I really enjoy them, savouring the moment.

So, meal plan!

Monday – using up last night’s garlic rump (review coming soon, it was immense) into a ragu/curry
Tuesday – St Patrick’s Day! I’m making some irish stew with champ, yum yum!
Wednesday – Salt and pepper pork, we didn’t get to have this last week so having it this week instead.
Thursday – Weigh-in at SW. I don’t tend to eat til after which is gone 9pm so I’ll just have something light. I tend to have a big lunch to keep me going otherwise my tummy will be growling!
Friday – we haven’t been out for food for ages so I’m going to suggest to Mr T to go out for a curry. If not I’ll cobble something together.
Saturday – no idea! I’m going to dig out my cookbooks and make something new.
Sunday – I’ve got cake club so maybe some fish and veg when I get back. Something to balance out the sugar haha!

As always I’m linking up over at Mrs M’s – have a good week!

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