Gosh, it's been ages since I last wrote a Meal Planning Monday post. I do menu plan every week but it feels like a lifetime since I sat down and shared it with you all.
I said on my last post that I was in a bit of a blogging rut and pressing publish definitely gave me the kick that I needed to get back in to things. I'm feeling a bit overwhelmed blog wise as I don't know what direction to push this blog. Do I stick with cakes or do I make it a mix of food, baking and family life? I'm thinking maybe I need to make a list of posts I want to write and just go from there.
I do think my YouTube channel will be more family orientated though as our kitchen just isn't glamorous enough to show my baking skills haha. Although if you do want me to vlog some recipes just let me know and I'll film some (just excuse the dodgy blue and pine cupboards with steel splashback).
But anyway... I'm rambling. This week food wise is very low carb. Tom is back on Atkins (strange boy) and even though he would happily cook for himself and have steak and salad every night I don't want to eat separately. I don't want to teach Ethan bad habits about food either. From the moment we started weaning him I wanted to educate him on food, teach him where it comes from and what makes up a balanced diet.
Yes, Tom isn't eating carbohydrates at the moment but I have tailored this week's meals to accommodate that. Each meal can have the addition of rice/pasta/noodles for Ethan and I while Tom will have extra vegetables and meat.
I felt like crying when we spent over £100 on groceries this week but we won't be eating out or having takeaway as it's not low carb friendly so in a way the extra we spent on groceries cancels itself out.
So, this week we will be having....
Monday - Spicy Pork with rice and veg (extra veg and beansprouts for Tom but no rice)
Tuesday - Cheese and onion pork chops with a Jacket potato (for Ethan and I)
Wednesday - Spag Bol (courgetti for Tom)
Thursday - Chicken stir fry (noodles for Ethan and I)
Friday - Cottage Pie (my parents and brothers are coming to visit so Tom will have something separate)
Saturday - Wing it! We don't know our plans yet so keeping this day free...
Sunday - Barbecue
If anyone knows of some good low carb recipes please let me know. I really enjoy rice/pasta etc so I'm struggling on being creative.