I feel like it's been an age since I wrote a Meal Planning Monday post or even a blog post (two weeks in fact!) but lately time hasn't been on our side. We had a few rough nights of Ethan not wanting to settle so bedtime took forever and by the time he did eventually succumb to sleep I was dashing around like a madwoman trying to get jobs done around the house before I went to bed. Matters also weren't helped by the fact that this time of year is really really chaotic for Mr T. It's coursework deadlines for his GCSE and A-Level students so the past few weekends I have ended up solo parenting while he was locked away upstairs marking endless pieces of coursework.
Thankfully it's all done now and the marks have been submitted so I'm hoping the pressure will ease a little bit for him and we can start to enjoy some family time again during the weekend.
So... meal plan! This week is National Vegetarian Week so two of my dear friends have challenged me, the carnivore, to create a meal plan that is veggie friendly. Now, I really struggled with this as meat is very central to our diet and the only meat-free meals we tend to eat are our breakfasts during the week. I'm not a great lover of veg, I'll eat it as it's good for me but given the choice I would much prefer some fillet steak over a bowl of leafy greens.
I know that as a family we do eat far too much meat but it's difficult to cut back on it when it tastes so good! I also found it hard to come up with vegetarian meals that would be filling unless I upped the carbs or fat content. As much as I'm not looking forward to our dinners this week I am intrigued to see how we fare and if we actually miss it.
This week we will be eating:
Monday - I have cake club so it's a freezer dive for Tom
Tuesday - Paneer Curry
Wednesday - Curried Rice with Poached Eggs
Thursday - Baked Ravioli
Friday - Vegetable Tarts with sweet potato fries and veg
I haven't planned our weekend yet - will we stick with vegetarian meals or will we cave and faceplant the nearest steak? Whichever way, it will be interesting to see if our attitudes to vegetarianism change after this week.
Have a good one!
Ps. You can check out our grocery haul for the week ahead here: