Cake Smash or Bundt Smash?

By A Wee Bit of Cake - March 03, 2017

My little man turns one next week and I’m feeling very mixed about it. On one hand I’m excited but at the same time I’m feeling quite emotional. I’ve loved the baby days and part of me wishes they could last forever but at the same time I’m excited about the toddler years (apart from the terrible twos!) and to see what’s in store for our little family.

Last weekend in preparation for Ethan turning one I decided to do a little DIY cake smash. Now I am by no means as good photographer but I’m trying to teach myself how to use our big camera properly (and failing miserably at it) so this seemed like the perfect opportunity.

I toyed with what cake to use for a while and finally settled on a good old bundt. I didn’t want anything covered in a thick layer of icing and the shape allows for little hands to get stuck right in.

Unfortunately, Ethan was poorly over the weekend and even though this seemed to provide a fun distraction he got fed up after 10 minutes. I’m glad now we didn’t pay the £100+ for a professional one as that would have been a total waste of money.

Usually we don’t let him have any sweet treats so he kept looking at us as I snapped away as if to say “cake? I’m allow this? And chocolate?”

It was fun to see his reaction to the cake and being allowed to eat it although after a while he got bored and decided to pull the letters out of the lightbox instead – little monkey.

Thankfully he’s loads better now so let’s hope he has a great time at his birthday party at the weekend and enjoys having even more cake. I've decided to make him a chocolate dinosaur cake - how is my baby almost one?

Here are a few photos from our #bundtsmash!

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  1. Lol hes definitely your son Clare, hes barely made any mess at all ;)

    So glad you got some great photos, he looks so grown up x

  2. Oh he is so cute! I'm currently trying to convince my best friend that her baby should have a cake smash for her first birthday and let me photograph it, but she's saying no, sadly. I'll keep trying though! The dinosaur cake sounds awesome, and cake twice in a week, lucky boy!

    Rachel x
    The Inelegant Wench
