I feel like I haven’t done a Meal Planning Monday post in
forever! I do still plan each week what we will eat but what with the move and
other things I lost my blogging mojo a bit and this meal planning post fell to
the wayside.
Last week I decided I needed to be more frugal with our food
shopping and to stop getting sucked in by offers or stocking up my baking
cupboard when I already have more sugar and flour than I know what to do with.
I was careful with our meal plan and shopping list and only
spent £60 in the end. I would love to get that down to £50 but I can’t see that
happening while I have nappies and wipes to buy. Any suggestions though would
be much appreciated.
We now have a chest freezer in the new house too so I’m
going to try and batch cook every so often so we have healthy meals to hand
rather than resorting to ordering from the Golf Club (even though it’s sooo
I have found it difficult meal planning for a baby too. We
have mainly done Baby Led Weaning with Ethan but he needs full fat which doesn’t
help this mama shift the baby weight! I cut veg up into finger sized pieces so
he can easily lift them but he does struggle with mince so I do end up feeding
him off the spoon (shh… don’t tell the BLW Mafia that or I’ll get shot down
Anyway… I digress... This week we are having:
Monday – Root Vegetable
and Lentil Casserole
Tuesday – Cottage
Pie and veg
Wednesday – Tuna Pasta
Bake with greens
Thursday – Toad in
the Hole with mash and greens
Friday – Haggis,
chips and veg
Saturday – I have
no idea yet!
Sunday – Roast Dinner
(I’m thinking a mini Christmas dinner might be nice seeing as we are at Tom’s
brother’s on Christmas Day and I’ve no idea what we will be having)
Hope you all have a great week!