Meal Planning Monday

By A Wee Bit of Cake - April 20, 2015

Another Monday has rolled around – did you all have a good weekend?

Mine was pretty good, fairly laid back but then yesterday evening I had issues with the wedding hairdresser. I won’t go in to all the ins and outs but it’s resulted in me having to cancel her and find someone else. Thankfully I found someone but it left me feeling quite wound up all evening. I swore I wouldn’t be a stressed bride but every now and again something tips my balance of calmness.

Slimming World wise I lost 2.5lb last week – woop! Was so not expecting that! I’m noticing a pattern of a bigger loss then a slight gain, I seem to be very up and down but overall I’ve lost 9lb. Only 5lb to go to get to target no1.

So meal plan! Nothing really going on until the weekend so fingers crossed I stay on track and avoid the naughty treats. I did indulge in some cheesecake over the weekend but other than that I’ve been good.

Monday – pulled pork cottage pie.  I made this last week as an experiment and it turned out so well I’m making it again tonight using yesterday’s leftovers. I’ll be blogging the recipe later this week.
Tuesday – Chorizo Pilaf – I’m using this recipe to use up some of the chorizo sausages I bought at the BBC Good Food show last weekend.
Wednesday – Pork with cider, cream and apple
Thursday – Burgers (minus the bun but with lots of veggies)
Friday – I’m possibly catching up with some old work colleagues so I’ll get something when I’m out
Saturday – Off to a friend’s for tea. No idea on food yet…
Sunday – Roast!

Hope you all have a great week!

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  1. Ohh pulled pork cottage pie sounds interesting. I do like the sound of that x

    1. thanks Kim, I'm planning on blogging the recipe later this week. Very tasty and frugal too ;)

  2. Pulled pork cottage pie?! Eagerly awaiting that recipe.

    Sad to hear about your wedding hairdresser drama, I'm currently trying to find one for my wedding and I have no idea where to start. I'm hoping it doesn't stress me out too much!

    Rachel x
    The Inelegant Wench

    1. Thanks Rachel, I'll have the recipe up later this week.

      Finding the hairdresser was harder than finding a venue especially as our wedding is on a Sunday so we need someone to come out to the hotel to us. I ended up scouring facebook and google and found a load on there.

      Panic over haha! Good luck finding yours x

  3. Great minds think alike, we've made that Chorizo Pilaf several times! :-) xx
